Miniature American Shepherd Club of Great Britain

Mission Statement
The Club exists for the benefit of its Members and the Committee aims to promote participation in the training, showing, working, breeding and other canine activities as well as encouraging good health management for the breed. The Miniature American Shepherd was originally bred as a herding dog for cattle and goats and descents from the Australian Shepherd. These characteristics should be preserved and developed. Advice on any topic related to MAS is freely available to members at all times. Membership is open to MAS enthusiasts wherever they live upon payment of an annual membership subscription (FREE UNTIL JAN 2016!).
To promote the breed within the UK.
To have a democratically elected Committee.
To maintain a pedigree/health database of all MAS in the UK.
To keep members informed on existing and emerging health Issues.
To encourage informed health management and testing for known conditions.
To hold seminars relevant to the health and abilities of the breed.
To encourage participation in various canine disciplines.
To provide a Breeders Register and a centre for Puppy enquiries.
To provide help and advice on behavioural and rehoming issues.
To circulate the Club Rules to every member.
To provide periodic newsletters and a dedicated website.
Provide and maintain a social media presence for our members.